Failure & Rejection: Managing Your Anxious Thoughts ($57)

***Not currently avaialble for purchase***

There is no success without failure and rejection…this sucks, I know, but it is true! Failure and rejection are two unwanted FACTS of life! You will fail in life and you will experience rejection in life. So why does this make us so upset, depressed, and anxious?

The thought of being rejected or failing can conjure up some major anxiety. The fear of being told no or anything else negative can be enough to stop you in your tracks and keep you from doing the things you desire and deserve to do.

I created this course because during my work as a therapist I saw this issue time and time again, especially with high-achieving and goal-oriented women. The negative thoughts surrounding failure and rejection can be debilitating and wreak havoc on one’s confidence.

In this course you will:

1.       Understand how you currently respond to failure and rejection.

2.       Learn about the negative thought processes related to failure and rejection and how it contributes to your anxiety.

3.       Learn how failure and rejection benefit your life (this may be hard to comprehend now, but we’ll get there).

4.       And learn the number one thing you can do to feel less anxious about failure and rejection.

This course is a one-time purchase of $57 and once you purchase it you’ll have it for life. You can go at your own pace and listen as many times as you need to.

Ready to handle rejection and failure? Let’s get started!