Pressure & Perfectionism: Managing Your Anxious Thoughts ($57)

***Not Currently Available for Purchase***

If you are here I can assume that you put a lot of pressure on yourself and that you require perfection from yourself. Does that sound like you? Maybe just a little?

We all know that some pressure is good. It’s also good to have a desire to do things well and to want things to go perfectly. But too much of something can cause issues and that is the case for pressure and perfectionism. Too much pressure can cause anxiety. The need to be perfect all the time can lead to procrastination and anxiety as well. Pressure and perfectionism can cause there to be an overall dissatisfaction with life. Meaning even when things are going well, you aren’t satisfied or you don’t see that it’s going well.

If left unchecked, pressure and perfectionism can control your life and cause significant damage. I created this course to help women like you put less pressure on themselves. Often times we are harder on ourselves than anyone else in the world. I also want to help you get rid of the need to be perfect. Socital factors contribute heavily to how we view ourselves and it is very important that you are aware of your thoughts about yourself and others.

In this course you will:

1.     Learn what pressure and perfectionism are and how too much of it can negatively impact your life. 

2.     Learn about 3 things that can heavily impact the amount of pressure and perfectionism you feel in your life. 

3.     Learn 2 critical ways to combat anxiety around pressure and perfectionism.

4.      Learn powerful mindset shifts you can make that will help decrease the pressure and need for perfection.

This course is a one-time purchase of $57 and once you purchase it you’ll have it for life. You can go at your own pace and listen as many times as you need to.

Are you ready to decrease the pressure and the need to be perfect? Let’s get started!